Test Engineer
June 2016 - September 2018
Implemented GPU program that performs bitonic sort via a sorting network. Project presentation here. Project report here. Github here.
Replication of results from " Maximum Mutual Information Design for MIMO Systems With Imperfect Channel Knowledge". Project report here. Github here.
Term paper summarizing stochastic gradient descent in the context of machine learning. See paper here.
Using Gaussian Process Factor Analysis (GPFA) to estimate behavioral dynamics of animal based on neuronal population data. Final presentation here Github here.
Implemented a vocal synthesizer using linear predictive coding. Github here. Demo here.
Applied multi-armed bandit framework to problem of resource allocation in simple wireless communications network. Github here.
Acted as liaison between Olin student team and Harley-Davidson engineers. Project archival poster here. More info here.
Collaborated with other students to evaluate the experience of cooking rice, the environmental impact associated with cooking rice, and an alternative design with less impact.
Programmed kinematic rocket model of falling rocket in embedded C. Designed website. Project site here.
Designed and built analog circuit which utilized light-based feedback to suspend a metal ball in mid-air. Demo video here.
Studied blacksmiths, identified their pain-points, and developed a concept for a thermally-insulated smart glove, removing the need for tongs.